We do seem to have increasingly become impatient with our elderly parents. In today's society and in this age of medical advancements when one's life expectancy is on the increase, more and more parents find themselves on the threshold of ignominy of finding themselves increasingly being deserted by their children or abandoned to fend for themselves. This is most painful to them, especially if one is a widower. The increasingly eccentric natures, irritating behaviors and childish behaviors of...
[After all the hue and cry over the issueless crusade over a thin line that divides humanity and segregates race, caste and creed over the brink, on issues of an imaginary boundary, there is nothing left now but to pick up the remnants of the flesh torn apart - sew up the flesh - gather up the shreds of faceless corpses -resurrect the deadless souls - listen to the voices of remorse - try not to drive a wedge in the realm of make believe world and the thin boundary of trust in humanity, de...